Frequently Asked Questions
What is BigBlue?
What is the origin of BigBlue?
What are the foundations of healthy longevity?
What are "blue zones"?
What are the secrets of blue zones?
Am I going to have to go live in a blue zone?
Where I live, the winters are cold and the blue zones are all in temperate climates, how do I solve this problem?
How do I pay for all that?
How is a senior living facility different from BigBlue?
What are the principles of life in BigBlue centers?
What to find in BigBlue centers?
Size of dwellings?
What steps should I take?
What are the differences between my home and BigBlue?
What are the differences between the area where I live and BigBlue?

About us

The promoters of the BigBlue Association are also users of BigBlue Centers. We have been studying for many years which are the steps to take to live a full retirement and avoid falling into a nursing home.

Copyright © 2021 BigBlue Association all rights reserved.